Protect Your Estate

protect your future Apr 06, 2014

Is your estate protected?

That can be a difficult question to answer because to answer it we must first know what you are protecting it from. So if you answered yes, what are you currently protecting it from?

Are you protecting it from:

The state…in the event of your passing are you certain that your will is enough to ensure that your heirs inherit what you’ve intended to leave?

The government…if it decides to confiscate bank accounts or retirement accounts like several other countries around the world have recently?

The taxes…in the event that you have property will your heirs be in a position to pay the necessary taxes to take ownership?

The economy…if there is a major economic downturn or collapse event will there be any estate left?

The family dynamics…is it clear who inherits what and when so that no family feuds ensue?

With a solid estate plan usually you can take care of at least a few of these, but is your estate really fully...

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Retire Now or Sooner

enjoy your present Apr 06, 2014

If you haven’t yet retired…what’s holding you back?

The obvious answer may be…”I’m not of “Retirement Age” yet.”

If that’s not the case then what’s the reason?

Maybe you’re like a lot of my new clients when they find me…

Very Concerned About:

-Whether or not you’ve saved enough?

-Whether you can have the lifestyle you really want in your retirement?

-If your money will last long enough?

-If there is another economic downturn will it crush your portfolio?

-If you retire now will you have to go back to work sometime later in your life?

-How can you protect your wealth from a potential government confiscation?

-What will happen to your quality of life when your Social Security benefit runs out?

-And many other valid concerns…

So with all that being said you’re reading this right now because you have an interest in Retiring Now or Sooner. Chances are high that you’ve put in long...

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Become Collapse-Proof

protect your future Apr 06, 2014

Can you really become Collapse Proof?

Before we get there it’s probably best to define what we mean by Collapse Proof. A Collapse Proof portfolio is one that is unchanged or even improved in the case of an economic collapse event. Now what do we mean by economic collapse event? These are the biggest, scariest things we hear about in the media. Things like a collapse of the stock market, a collapse of the banking system, a collapse of the dollar or the currency, or a collapse of the government.

What makes a collapse event different is that instead of the majority of investors simply losing part of their portfolios like what happens in an economic downturn, like 2007-2008, most people lose EVERYTHING in a collapse event.

It doesn’t have to happen that way, but for most investors that’s the result of the decisions and actions they took leading up to an event like this.

There are very specific actions you can take to become collapse proof in your portfolio and when...

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Economic Catastrophe Insurance

protect your future Apr 06, 2014

It's no secret that something is a little off in the world's economy.

Everywhere you look it’s being talked about and right now most people have no way of protecting themselves against a stock market downturn, much less an economic catastrophe like government default, stock collapse, banking collapse or a hyperinflation/currency collapse scenario.

While it may be easy to simply close your eyes tightly and pretend like everything is going to be alright…that definitely doesn’t protect you and your family in the very likely case that something or even anything happens.

What happened to most people in 2007-2008 was hardly an economic catastrophe…does that make the result of it any less painful? I think not. I had a few friends and even some of my newer clients who got blindsided by what happened in the mortgage crisis and ensuing real estate bubble. In fact, some lost as much as 70% of their portfolio in a few months time.

So if something like that can lead...

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Private Pensions

Uncategorized Apr 05, 2014

Do you remember back in the 60s and 70s when nearly everyone who worked hard for a good company got rewarded in their retirement with a competitive pension plan that allowed them to retire wonderfully?

Well, as you know, those days are long gone and now you're hard pressed to find a company that provides any pension at all. Much less one that provides it's beneficiaries with the retirement they'd always dreamed of.

So does that mean the only option for having a good retirement is to be successful on the casino like trading floor of the stock market?

That may have been what you were told in the past, but there is a BETTER way.

There are some very strategic types of financial tools that can produce a guaranteed income for life very much like the pensions of old. Some people call these tools Private Pensions and when you know how to utilize them properly for your specific situation they can provide you with the type of retirement lifestyle that you envisioned back when you entered...

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Free Speech

financial tools Apr 05, 2014

After seeing behind the curtain of the Wall Street financial system, Jeff witnessed a tragic tool being used to suppress free speech.

In this video, he explains how that impacted him and affected the cornerstone decision Nabers Financial Group that makes it possible for us to get amazing financial results for our clients.

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