Become Collapse-Proof

protect your future Apr 06, 2014

Can you really become Collapse Proof?

Before we get there it’s probably best to define what we mean by Collapse Proof. A Collapse Proof portfolio is one that is unchanged or even improved in the case of an economic collapse event. Now what do we mean by economic collapse event? These are the biggest, scariest things we hear about in the media. Things like a collapse of the stock market, a collapse of the banking system, a collapse of the dollar or the currency, or a collapse of the government.

What makes a collapse event different is that instead of the majority of investors simply losing part of their portfolios like what happens in an economic downturn, like 2007-2008, most people lose EVERYTHING in a collapse event.

It doesn’t have to happen that way, but for most investors that’s the result of the decisions and actions they took leading up to an event like this.

There are very specific actions you can take to become collapse proof in your portfolio and when it comes right down to it you can get a pretty good idea of what they may be by revisiting what the most likely collapse events may be.

In a collapse of the stock market…you would instantly lose all of the money that you had invested in the stock market.

In a collapse of the banking system…you would instantly lose all of the money that you had invested in the bank.

In a collapse of the currency…you would…Yes, that’s right…lose all of the money that was held in that currency.

So it’s clear from the media and especially from the newsletters that you may be subscribed to that these are the three major collapse events that we potentially may see in the near future. There is no way to be certain which one will occur or even that any of them will definitely occur. That being said, I’d much rather hope for the best and be prepared for the worst than to lose all of the wealth that I’ve worked so hard for. What about you?

If you’d like to protect your wealth and collapse proof your portfolio and your retirement then there is a very proven and viable option for you. It’s the one that I use personally and the one that I’ve helped hundreds of my friends and clients implement successfully so that they can sleep well at night and stop worrying about if or when any of these collapses are going to occur.

There are some specific keys to consider when becoming collapse proof…obviously you want to have some holdings that are outside of the stock market, outside of the banking system, outside of the currency and if possible legally outside of the government’s reach.

As we consider these elements it’s clear that doing any one of them is fairly easy…doing ALL OF THEM, which is what I required whenever I was working diligently for over two years to become collapse proof, is much more difficult and without the right strategic partnerships it’s frankly impossible. I know because I did all of the due diligence myself and vetted all of the options.

If you’d like to get direct access to the solution that I found then I urge you to take the opportunity to speak with one of my Financial Planners during a special Discovery Session where they can give you the exact next steps that are necessary for you to become Collapse Proof once and for all.

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