It’s no secret… Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies were the biggest investment story of 2017…
Stories appeared daily on CNBC, and in the Wall Street Journal, and New York Times, about people becoming millionaires practically overnight…
However, since January, the price of Bitcoin has fallen 63%...
And today, if you believe what you read in the press, many people think the opportunity has passed… That the cryptocurrency bull market is over…
But anyone who tells you you’re too late to make big money in cryptocurrencies, has no idea what’s about to happen next…
Remember when JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon called Bitcoin a fraud?
He said any JP Morgan traders caught trading Bitcoin would be fired “in a second” for their “stupidity.”
The price of Bitcoin fell as much as 24% in the few days that followed.
And in that period, JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley emerged as some of the most active buyers of a fund that tracks the price of Bitcoin.
After slamming Bitcoin at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in January, calling it a “bubble,” hedge fund titan George Soros gave the greenlight to his $26 billion family office to begin buying cryptocurrencies just 8 weeks later.
It’s interesting that Soros attributes part of his success to his understanding of what he calls “reflexivity.” In simple terms, this theory states that investors base their decisions not on reality, but on their “perception” of reality.
Soros once wrote:
“The degree of distortion may vary from time to time… Sometimes it’s quite insignificant, at other times it is quite pronounced. Every bubble has two components: an underlying trend that prevails and a misconception relating to that trend.”
Now, I’m not saying this is a conspiracy.
But have you stopped to wonder why some of the biggest critics of cryptocurrencies – including JPMorgan, George Soros, Goldman Sachs and Bloomberg – are now investing billions of dollars in cryptocurrencies in 2018?
Have you asked yourself why some of the world’s richest families – including the Rothschilds, and the venture capital firm founded by the Rockefellers – are dumping other assets (including stocks) and have now committed hundreds of millions to new crypto investments?
Here’s the thing… Most people have no clue what’s really going on in the cryptocurrency market. And most have no idea where the price is about to go next.
But if you’re interested in achieving true financial independence, it’s important you get an understanding of what’s really going on now.
Which is why I’d like to invite you to attend a free online event called The Great Cryptocurrency Conspiracy…
In this event, renowned cryptocurrency trading expert and former Wall Street vice president, Teeka Tiwari will join TV and radio host Glenn Beck in an exclusive live broadcast to reveal what’s really going on in the cryptocurrency market today… and show you how you can still make your fortune.
This is important for you. Because what they have to share could have a huge impact on your financial future.
On top of that, you’ll receive some gifts just for attending, including Teeka’s new report, The Crypto Manifesto: Why Cryptocurrencies Are The Smartest Speculation You Can Make Today. A week of free online investment training. And on top of that, Teeka will share the name of three cryptocurrencies he believes you should buy today.
This is a big deal. Because the last time Teeka publicly recommended a cryptocurrency during a live event, it went from $0.21 to $3.77 in eight weeks – enough to turn a $500 investment into $8,976.
And in addition to that, you’ll also have the chance to take claim a share of their exclusive $2 Million Bitcoin Giveaway.
This may be the single most important online investment event of the year. I’ll be there. And I strongly encourage you to attend.
Jeff Nabers
CEO, Nabers Group
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