Private Pensions

Uncategorized Apr 05, 2014

Do you remember back in the 60s and 70s when nearly everyone who worked hard for a good company got rewarded in their retirement with a competitive pension plan that allowed them to retire wonderfully?

Well, as you know, those days are long gone and now you're hard pressed to find a company that provides any pension at all. Much less one that provides it's beneficiaries with the retirement they'd always dreamed of.

So does that mean the only option for having a good retirement is to be successful on the casino like trading floor of the stock market?

That may have been what you were told in the past, but there is a BETTER way.

There are some very strategic types of financial tools that can produce a guaranteed income for life very much like the pensions of old. Some people call these tools Private Pensions and when you know how to utilize them properly for your specific situation they can provide you with the type of retirement lifestyle that you envisioned back when you entered the workplace. Back then you were probably assuming you would be getting a pension because virtually everyone who was retiring then was getting one and while your company probably didn't provide one for you, it's still a very real possibility.

These private pensions can produce incredible results in a lot of cases, however there are certain scenarios where the numbers just don't work out. If, for instance, you have less than $500K in total net worth it's very unlikely that these tools can help you. If, on the other hand, you have greater than $500K you will likely be very pleasantly surprised by what's possible for your retirement income through a private pension.

Now, as with any financial planning tool, the results that you can personally see will depend largely on your specific situation. If you have more than $500K in your portfolio and you're interested in finding out if a private pension is a good fit for providing you with a guaranteed retirement income then I recommend you check our calendar and see if we have any Discovery Sessions available. We only take a few new clients each month and if we have any availability left then you may be one of the lucky few who can benefit greatly from a Results Based Financial Plan.

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