NEW Investment Properties In Inventory (MAJOR Breakthrough, Limited Supplies)

blog real estate Jan 04, 2017

If you saw my major announcement yesterday, you may be wondering “Isn’t this the same thing you’ve offered before?”

The answer is NO, this is very different.

We offer two kinds of investment properties:


These kinds of houses can pump out 10% NET profit annually, like clockwork. The focus is on receiving income.

You may have seen me offer these opportunities before.


The major announcement is a NEW type of investment property…


This new kind of real estate investment includes a special type of low risk mortgage financing.

It’s called a non-recourse loan, and you don’t have to apply for it or go through any type of underwriting process. It’s just approved, already, before you even talk to us.

The best part is this kind of mortgage loan is low risk for you and the bank. You put 40% down, there’s no credit check, and it’s IRA/401k compatible so you can buy an investment property with your IRA or 401k.

The purpose of the leverage is to increase your gains when you sell the property.

And for this kind of deal, we focus on locations that have the best economic outlook for home prices. On many of our available investment properties, this equates to conservative targets of over 15%.

For example, a property may generate 8% of its annual profit from income, and another 8% (annualized) that you get when you sell the property later.

The difference in performance can really add up:



In the example above, you’d be giving up on $899,428 by staying in the stock market, as compared to the “Pure Income” investment property.

Who knew that owning a great rental property could get you so much money?

What’s more… our NEW type of investment property, the “Income+Growth” Property, gets you even more money—an extra $2,208,852 in this example.

The catch is that these types of investment properties are hard to keep in inventory because our existing clients gobble them up. Can you blame them?

As of today, we do have some new inventory, so if you’d like to learn more, view available inventory, and get your questions answered fill out the form here to connect with our real estate division.

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